We already wrote this week about the COP 26, and you may hear about it every day for the past weeks, we know… But it is an important international gathering which is very crucial for the coming years.

               The COP26, in Glasgow, who will end on the 12th of November, generates many critics, especially for the lack of concrete actions, the slowness of the discussions and the predominancy of national interests above the climate change, a global problem. These critics, often provide from the Ignored of the COP26 who try to put forward the emergency of the situation for the Forgotten of the climate change.

The Ignored of the COP26 are to begin, the civil society, whose demonstrating in the street of many big cities around the world. The demonstrators are demanding to their leaders to go further in the commitment, laws, and actions they make to obtain satisfactory results. Then, the term « climate justice » is proclaimed in the street by the youth and those who want deep changes. This concept includes the ethical dimensions of the climate change, which means that the issue of global change must also be seen with the human consequences which touch unequally the people around the world. The supporters of this idea want the West and the polluter countries to take their responsibilities regarding the Forgotten of the climate change, here the COP26.

Indeed, among the numerous people who talk about ecology and climate change, many are forgotten. They are unfortunately, in many cases, the most concerned and impacted by this global issue. There is, among the Forgotten, spaces or parts of world like the oceans who suffer of the climate change, which are not included or not always minded during the negotiations. Many countries can also be seen as Forgotten by the COP26. They are often located in the Caribbean, in Africa or the Pacific Ocean. Because of their geography, their demography, their little role in global economy and international relationship, these countries are not always listened by the great powers when they express the emergency of climate change for them. Recently, the Prime Minister of Barbados, a threaten Caribbean Island by climate change, Mia Mottley said about this situation:

« When will leaders lead? Our people are watching, and our people are taking note. Are we really going to leave Scotland without the resolve and the ambition that is sorely needed to save lives and save our planet? ».

Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados

This statement, which is invisible among the numerous speeches of great power’s leaders may summarize the situation of the Forgotten and the Ignored, that we will all face in few days. Sadly, this lack of actions and progresses will be a vital and immediate problem for the Forgotten while is will be for the other a non-priority issue in the short-term. Again, Mia Mottley perfectly summarizes this idea:

« Two degrees is a death sentence (for island nations) ».

Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados

COP26: the Forgottens and the Ignored of this international submit


A la COP26, négociations tendues sur la question du financement des dégâts du changement climatique (lemonde.fr)

A la COP26, les pays les plus vulnérables demandent aux pays développés d’intensifier le financement climatique | ONU Info (un.org)

COP26, jour 8 : Obama, offensive des pays les plus pauvres contre les plus riches… Ce qu’il faut retenir de cette journée de négociations (lemonde.fr)

COP26, jour 6 : « Le changement climatique est bien là et nous finirons par en payer le prix » (lemonde.fr)

COP26 à Glasgow : l’océan, grand oublié (lemonde.fr)

Pour éviter un échec de la COP26, il faudra y mettre le prix (courrierinternational.com) d’après The Guardian, article original : Cop26 will be derailed unless the rich world meets its obligation to the poor | Larry Elliott | The Guardian